Minggu, 28 Desember 2014

Mangrove Tours Kampoeng Nipah Northern Sumatra

Mangrove Tours Kampoeng Nipah Northern Sumatra

Vacation is not just about fun roads to relieve fatigue, holiday can also contain the value of education, such as mangrove traveled. In Nort Sumatra, we can do it in Kampoeng Nipah. Mangrove Tours Kampoeng Nipah be one of the best options to travel education in North Sumatra.

Kampoeng Nipah as a one of sumatra tour is location-based integrated mangrove ecotourism community in Indonesia, where in one location there are mangroves, mangrove-based products processing, to homestay run by locals. Mangrove forests have many benefits, one of which is to protect the shoreline from abrasion or erosion, and dampen the big waves, including tsunamis.

Mangrove tour is located in the village of Muara Baimbai district. Sei Nagalawan Kab. Serdang Bedagai. It can be reached by approximately 1.5 to 2 hours from Medan to use public transport and stop at Simpang Klang Beach, district. Sei Reed entered into the major tourist sites approximately 8km. The road condition is good enough and has been in the asphalt. You can ride a motorcycle, car or bus to get to the location of this tour. Facilities at this tourist spot has been practically sufficient, because there are canteens, toilets, cots, prayer, fishing area and there are 3 pieces homestay, homestay contains 1 mattress medium and a fan, this room fit for 4 people. 8000 IDR to Retribution entry tourist sites, 5,000 IDR for vehicle parking.

This tourist village was pioneered by a married couple, Sutrisno and Jumiati. Together with their group ever received an award at the national and international level. As National Champion Adhi Bina Bakti Bahari, an award from the British non-profit organization, Oxfam as female food hero (Food Heroes Oxfam) Indonesia in 2013, and in early December 2013, Jumiati also selected as one of the female characters inspirational award recipients Tupperware She Can, on efforts in strengthening the economy and empowerment of women in her village.

Entering this tourist village, you will find a friendly coastal communities wither and happy storytelling. They will be warmly welcomed the visitors who come here. This is what makes you never get tired of visiting tourist village this one. Arriving location, we will be guided directly by the local guide and given a brief lecture about the mangroves. Start of mangrove species, the planting of mangrove, mangrove benefits for the environment and the type of mangrove anything that can be processed into specialties. There are several mangrove processed products that have been produced in this village, among others: lunkhead, chips weeds, weeds tea and syrup. For processed foods of mangrove like lunkhead and syrup only in certain seasons, because the basic material for making these preparations are also only available in certain seasons.

Compulsory activities carried out in this location certainly planted mangroves. But other than that, we also can play canoe to cross the river, hunting crabs in mangrove mud pools, searching the sea mussel and waiting for the sunset.

After getting tired hot toast mangrove planting and playing canoe, the most anticipated events of course lunch. The food menu offered by the manager of the tourist village is also very tempting, a variety of seafood started from fish, crabs, mussels, shrimp, and green vegetables and fresh fruits lined up neatly on the table. After lunch, activities you can do is put up a crab trap in ground pool. While waiting for the crabs into the traps, you took the initiative back to the beach looking for sea mussel can be found in beach sand. Exploring this tourist village made us aware the importance of conserving nature, especially the mangrove ecosystem. One tree is small figure to restore the mangrove forest conservation as usual, but if it is done in a sustainable and well maintained, would be very useful in the future.

Well, if you want a tour of the Integrated Mangrove in Kampoeng Nipah North Sumatra and get the facility as described above is full seafood lunch, planting mangroves, mangrove tuition, lodging, hunting crabs and barnacles and others, you are advised to use the services of travel organizer in Medan as exovac with at least 20 people / group because the cost will be more affordable. Thus the brief information about Mangrove Tours Kampoeng Nipah Northern Sumatra  for those who want to get education tourism in northern Sumatra.

Source from: http://goo.gl/JOOyMd

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